Killing Fields – 2014

Burning-HouseJulie Alberson, a young, professional  female returns home from her day at work as an internet intelligence analyst with a medium-sized internet firm.

As she approaches her street, the street is blocked with police cars and ambulances. Her car is stopped by a policeman as she tries to go around the cars parked at the end of the street. She can see a great deal of smoke and flames in the direction of her house.

She explains that she lives on the street and shows the officer her driver’s license.

“Ma’am, I need you to park your car and come with me.” Julie parked and followed the man to a group of police and fire personnel standing in a circle, alternately looking in the direction of the burning house.

The policeman addresses the man who is obviously in charge of the group, telling him the lady lives in the house at the end of the cul-de-sac, the one that is burning.

The Sargent looks at the driver’s license and then at the woman’s face. “I’m sorry to tell you there’s been an accident at your home.”

She turned in disbelief and looked at the fire several houses away.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but there are two casualties in the fire, Ms. Alberson, a male adult and a male child.”

Julie Alberson fell to her knees just outside the circle of the first responders, tears running down her face, devastated beyond description. She stayed on her knees for several minutes, then wiped her eyes, stood and looked in the direction of the house, here eyes steely and hard. “Someone would damned sure pay for this! Pay and pay dearly!”

(Under Construction)

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