You just called me Clay Nichols

A book that confronts the possibility that there is a chance that you don’t really know who you are.

Jack Thomas, the president and CEO of a major private and governmental software development and production company works late, preparing the billings for the month.

Completing as many as he is able before he falls asleep on his desk, he packs the yet-to-be completed billings his brief case to complete at home, He then calls his driver and takes the elevator to the street.

Exiting his building and walking in the direction of the street and his car, a mugger attacks him from his rear, steals his cell phone, brief case, money and billfold. He then knocks the man to the ground by slamming his gun across the man’s head.

The mugger escapes and the driver takes Jack to the emergency room for a few stitches and to be sure there in no major damage.

On the way home, Jack directs his driver to stop at a drugstore where he purchases the needed medical supplies to treat the damage, but also, to his drivers consternation, purchases a syringe, surgical gloves, duct tape and a couple of other odd items.

Jack then, infuriated, directs his staff to do what it takes to find the mugger, so as to keep the building and the staff safe.

Over the next few days, Jack begins to have strange dreams and has a couple of revelations as to a past he doesn’t remember.

The real story starts there.

(Under Construction)

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