Ruby’s Place

A ribald, actually an incredibly gross, foul-mouthed, base, collection of stories of seven guys who met in elementary, junior high, and high school.

They continued their strong friendship through the years, growing up and partying

One morning, the hero of the book, William Howard McKinney, better known as “Billy Mac” has a protracted disagreement with his boss and concludes the disagreement with a rather crude act and is fired.

Well then, ole Billy Mac, with enforced retirement eminent, and a good deal of money from his employment, decides to build and open a “Gentleman’s Club”; one that is very upscale and unique to the Houston market.

Naturally, all of the friends want to be a part of this endeavor, and buy into a partnership to make the dream come true.

This book covers the history of the group, gives details into their past, how they met, how and why they stayed friends, each of their foibles and tells the incredibly funny story of the creation of Billy Mac’s dream.

Oh yeah, there’s cussing, beer, fornication, and general debauchery during the course of the story.

Oh yeah, and there’s one girl, too. A very important girl.

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